Recent Photography and Leica News:
February 18, 2025:
Famous Leica Photographers : Read the article.
February 15, 2025:
A choice of simplicity: Digital cameras without a screen. Leica M60, M-D262, M10-D and Leica M11-D. Read article.
February 11, 2025:
My photograph "Boy in Paris Restaurant " (2013) was in the My Daily Photograph mailing today from Duncan Miller Gallery in Los Angeles.
Click to buy your signed edition of "Boy in Paris Restaurant" by Thorsten Overgaard from Duncan Miller Gallery.
February 11, 2025:
History: He made the Leica famous 100 years ago. Read article.
February 11, 2025:
Learn with Thorsten Overgaard.
February 10, 2025:
Podcast Interview: Favorite prime lenses, career advice, which camera is the best, and more ... Click to listen/read.
February 9, 2025:
Famous Leica Photographers : Read article.
Febraury 2, 2025:
On the Road with Overgaard : February 2025.
January 30, 2025:
The camera that was : The Leica TL2 futuristic camera is not forgotten.
January 27, 2025:
Black and white photography : Leica Monocrom camreas and photography. Read article.
January 26, 2025:
Advice : How to photograph in the grey and short days of the season. Read article.
January 25, 2025:
In retrospect : An excellent detailed lens. Compact, economical and available. Read article and see samples.
January 22, 2024:
A fun lens: Not expensive, not even rare. Just overlopled by most. Read article and see samples.
January 19, 2024:
Erwin Puts books are hard to get. Here I have gathered most of them as digital downloads.
January 17, 2025:
Video: A beautiful camera that is both film and digital. Watch video and read article.
January 16, 2025:
New camera : First review of the Leica SL3-S still and video camera with 24MP sensor. Read the article
January 15, 2025:
Video: My video talk on black and white photography, the monochrome cameras, and more ... Watch and read here.
January 14, 2025:
Guide : How to set up the menu on the Leica Q3 43 APO step-by-step. Read the article.
January 13, 2025:
Travel : Nat Geo Landscape Winner took the Leica Q3 43 to Venice for a week. Read the article.
January 11, 2025:
January 4, 2025:
Click to get it now.
January 3, 2025:
Famous Leica Photographers. Click to read.
January 2, 2025:
On the road with Thorsten Overgaard, January 2025. Click to see more.
December 31, 2024:
Review, best practice, and an understanding of the full heritage of Leica SL3. Watch now
December 23, 2024:
Ventilated shades - Free shipping
December 14, 2024:
Directly from Paris, Five advice on photography. Watch now.
December 10, 2024:
The Story Behind That Picture: "The Million Dollar Mastermind" podcast with Larry Weidel and Thorsten Overgaard.
November 29, 2024:
On the road with Thorsten Overgaard. Click to read.
November 20, 2024:
Leica SL3 in Sydney:
Shooting in manual mode with Leica M lenses.Watch video.
November 22, 2024:
Video presentaion of the Leica M11 Black Paint camera. Watch now.
November 10, 2024: Overgaard Workshop in Los Angeles:
Sign up now for the Los Angeles Workshop Limied Spaces.
November 3, 2024:
Sign up today for the Overgaard Photo Workshop in Singapore, November 11-13, 2024. Limited spaces.
October 15, 2024:
Join the one and only Melbourne Masterclass with Thorsten Overgaard.
October 13, 2024:
Join the photo workshop in Perth for Leica fans and digital photographers. Thorsten Overgaard and Camera Electronics.
Magic of Light Photography Television:
Do it yourself focus adjustment on yoiur Leica M camera.
Leica Q3 Ventilated Shade
Leica Q3 43 Ventilated Shade RED by Thorsten Overgaard. Available in Black Paint and Silver as well.
October 9, 2024:
On the day of the hurricane that supposedly will hit my home ...
September 26, 2024:
September 22, 2024:
The Magical Leica 90mm Summilux lens for the Leica M and Leica SL3
September 21, 2024:
Join the *Extra* New York Workshop October 19-21:
More info
September 12, 2024:
All you need to know about the new Leica M11-D digital rangefinder without a screen.
September 10, 2024:
Join the Singapore Workshop November 11-13 with Thorsten Overgaard.
August 27, 2024:
A photo report from Nowhere in Particular. A road trip through Europe with a camera. Click to read.
August 21, 2024:
When there were pixels and stripes in my exported images, I quietly realized the world had come to and end. But then I found a fix for it. Read more.
August 17, 2024:
The Story Behind That Picture: 70% of digital cameras are bought by men. In today's article, I will present a good handful of women photographers
August 9, 2024:
ARCHEOLOGICAL FACT-FINDING (PART II): When I was in Paris in July 2021, I decided to visit another Henri Cartier-Bresson photo location to try to get inside his head. In this article, the 1953-photo, "Escalier côté rue de Crimée".
August 7, 2024:
Daniel Craig spotted at the Paris 2024 Olympics with a Leica M10-R and unreleased Omega Seamaster 300M.
August 4, 2024
Buy my signed photographs. Available from small sizes to very large.
July 29, 2024:
A trick to improve the Leica M11 and Leica M11-P Image Quality
July 28, 2024:
The latest Leica Q3 video review, the heritage and history. Why the Leica Q3 is as it is.
July 5, 2024:
In Paris with a Leica - Inspirational video on
The Perfect Leica Q3 Menu Setup explained step by step by Thorsten Overgaard.
The original ventilated shade for adventurers, designed for the Leica Q in 2015 by Thorsten Overgaard. Your Leica Q3 wants this.
June 27, 2024:
Join the Street Photography Class. See more here.
June 25, 2024:
Famous Leica Phographers. Read the article.
June 24, 2024:
A pendant for your camera ... (comes as a necklace also) "Always Wear A Camera" by Thorsten Overgaard.
June 22, 2024
Rainy Days in Paris photo essay by Thorsten Overgaard.
June 20, 2024:
"Learn any Camera" - Inspirational video on
June 19, 2024:
With a Leica through Japan: "The Art of Repetition". Click to read article and watch video.
June 9, 2024:
The Monthly News from "Always Wear A Camera"
June 4, 2024:
The Perfect Leica Q3 Menu Setup Explained Step by Step.
May 22, 2024:
Color Science: How does each Leica camera perform? Click to read more
May 20, 2024:
The current and the next Leica Compact Cameras:
May 11, 2024:
Leica SL3 review by Thorsten Overgaard . New camera released March 7, 2024. Same price as the Leica SL2.
April 28, 2024:
Save $2,068.00.
April 13, 2024:
Leica Q3 Instruction Manuals, Firmware Downloads, Settings and more.
April 12, 2024:
Full Leica Q3 Pack
12 video classes with work book
+ 484 page eBook,
+ Styles for Capture One for Leica Q3/Q2/Q
+ Lightroom Presets. for Leica Q3/Q2/Q
Normal price $869.00
Normal price $869.00
Save 45%
Only $478.00
Buy now. Book delivered instantly.
Video class link follows within 48 hours.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Released May 2024
Item #2192-0623
Leica Q3 Know-All-eBook
484 pages illustrated for Computer,
iPad or smartphone.
Only $348.00
Buy now. Instant delivery.
Start reding today.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Released May 2024
Item #2190-0623
April 8, 2024:
New Original Lightroom Brushes for Leica Look. By Thorsten Overgaard.
April 4, 2024. Buy and read the new "Finding the Magic of Light" eBook:
I rewrote my bestseller "Finding the Magic of Light" and added +50% more content to it. Buy now.
April 2, 2024:
Video: Leica Product Manager Stefan Daniel & Thorsten Overgaard talks Leica.
March 23, 2024:
The vintage version and the new version 35mm Summilux Steel Rim. Review by Milan Swolfs.
March 22, 2024:
Signed photographic prints by Thorsten Overgaard.
March 20, 2024:
March 11, 2024:
February 7, 2024:
When is the Leica SL3 coming?
February 7, 2024:
The perfect Leica M240 Menu Setup. By Thorsten Overgaard.
February 3, 2024:
Famous Leica Photographers. By Thorsten Overgaard. Click to read more.
January 30, 2024:
Just announced. Melbourne Photo Workshop 2024:
January 25, 2024:
Leica Q3 review by Thorsten Overgaard.
January 22, 2023:
Tired of the screen? Try a camera without a screen. And when is the Leica M11-D coming, by the way?
January 19, 2024:
Some of the portraits I have done that I continuously get asked about, and this is one of them, the Hans Blix portrait.
January 17, 2024:
NeoFinder is the tool to scroll through your photo archive really fast!
January 16, 2024:
A re-review of the Leica M10 models while we wait for the Leica M12. New video on Magic of Light Television.
January 14, 2024:
New Overgaard Workshops announced in Sydney, Perth, Denver, Chicago, Tokyo and more ...
January 7, 2024:
Travel Review: Leica M10 Goes to Cuba. Click to read more.
January 6, 2024:
New video masterclass. Enjoy!
New video masterclass. Enjoy!
January 6, 2024:
You started using Lightroom CC Cloud version and realized it was the wrong version? Now you want to get your files over to Lightroom Classic desktop version. Don't worry, here is a 6-step guide to do just that.
January 4, 2024:
Erwin Puts books are hard to get. Here I have gathered most of them as digital downloads.
January 1, 2024:
When is the Leica SL3 coming?
Full Leica SL3 Bundle
10 video classes with work book
+ 460 page eBook,
+ Styles for Capture One for Leica SL3
+ Lightroom Presets. for Leica SL3
Normal price $1,292.00
Save 60%
Only $516.00
Preorder now, Be the first to get it.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Item #2222-0324
Leica SL3 Know-All-eBook
460 pages illustrated for Computer,
iPad or smartphone.
Only $398.00
Preorder now. Be the first to get it.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Item #2220-0324
December 29, 2023:
Four essentials in photography explained in 20 minutes. New video on Magic of Light Television by Thorsten Overgaard.
December 27, 2023:
The Leica M240 Review - A 16-page review of the Leica fullframe digital M.
December 26, 2023:
Nineteen years ago, I participated as a volunteer in the relief effort after the tsnumai hit South East Asia. A book, several slideshows and articles was the result. Click to read the story beind that picture.
December 14, 2023:
Once upon a time in Atlanta, Georgia. A photo essay from the last two Overgaard Workshops in Atlanta.
December 12, 2023:
New video on photography television: "What a lovely camera this is ... the Leica" by Thorsten Overgaard
December 7, 2023:
The New Gold Standard of Film Grain. For Leica, Sony, Nikon, Canon, Hasselblad, Phase One and more.
December 5, 2023:
What is sharpness in photography? Article and video by Thorsten von Overgaard. Click to know more...
December 1, 2023:
A photo from the street outside the Overgaard workshop villa in the embassy neighbourhood of Havana.
Click to read more.
November 29, 2023:
Leica M9 Confessions - Sensor replacement, buying guide, shutter count, setting up a Leica M9 ... and more.
November 26, 2023:
Leica Noctilux got a new friend. The Hasselblad X2D shines with Leica glass in front of the sensor. Photos by Marc Wick.
Join the "New York in Monochrome Workshop" with Thorsten Overgaard:
November 23, 2023:
Save 33% on the Silver Necklace with a Leica replica "Always Wear A Camera" by Thorsten Overgaard.
October 28, 2023:
Leica M11-P and new uniform design Leica 28mm Summicron-M f/2.0. Read more here.
October 19, 2023:
The history of the Leica P models and the Leica M11-P.
October 13, 2023:
The legendary 50mm ELCAN and the new remake of it. Review and sample photos by Thorsten Overgaard.
October 9, 2023:
Leica M with built-in electronic viewfinder. Preview by Thorsten Overgaard.
September 27, 2023:
Famous Leica Users. Mary McCartney, Bert Hardy, Sean Lennon and more added - Click to read story.
September 27, 2023:
New York Special Classic Black & White Photography Workshop. Limited spaces.
September 24, 2023:
Leica 75mm Noctilux vs Leica 50mm Noctilux. Click to read more.
September 19, 2023:
The Story Behind That Picture: The Clash - Why my photo is not sharp enough - Click to read story.
September 6, 2023:
New article and video review of the Leica 50mm Summicron-SL ASPH f/2.0 (and a talk about the Light Lens Lab 50mm ELCAN and the DJ-Optical 75mm f/1.25).
August 21, 2023:
New Leica M9 Masterclass Video with 65-page PDF workbook and newer before seen articles.
August 17, 2023:
How to focus the Leica M. ... and a brief history of photography through 150 years. Click to read.more ...
Things that might interest you now that you are here : Leica M11 review and user report / Leica Q3 / Leica SL2 User Report and Review / Leica M6 / Leica Q3 / Leica Q2 / Leica M10 / Leica M10-P / Leica M9 / Leica TL2 / Leica M 240 / Leica M 246 / Leica Q / Leica CL / Leica Serial Numbers / The Story Behind That Picture / Books by Thorsten Overgaard / Photo Extension Courses / "A LIFE WITH PHOTOGRAPHY" documentary featuring Thorten Overgaard / The Von Overgaard Gallery Store / Workshops and Masterclasses with Thorsten Overgaard / Leica 75mm Noctilux / Leica 90mm Summilux / "Always Wear A Camera" Ventilated Lens Shades / Magic of Light Photography Television hosted by Thorsten Overgaard / Get a free eBook /
August 8, 2023:
On the Road with von Overgaard August 2023. Click to see more.
July 31, 2023:
The Story Behind That Picture: "How movie film became 35mm film". Click to read.
Full Leica M240 Pack:
Video Masterclass
Street Photography Masterclass
All about the Leica M240 video instruction masterclass (17 videos)
+ Street photography video masterclass
filmed in New York (11 videos).
+ 8 Bonus videos
+ Styles for Capture One for Leica M240
+ Lightroom Presets. for Leica M240
Normal price $1,192.00
Save 60%
Only $476.00
Order now. Instant delivery.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Item #1844-1848-0823
Leica M240
Video Masterclass
Two hours of video class
with Thorsten von Overgaard
20-page checklist for learning
every corner of the Leica M240.
For Computer, iPad or smartphone.
More info
Only $398.00
Order now. Instant delivery.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Item #1844-1017
July 12, 2023:
Leica 35mm Summilux Review and history from 1960 to present. By Thorsten Overgaard. Click to read.
July 7, 2023:
"What should I do with my photographs?" is the theme of today's article. Click to read more.
Leica Q3 Review by Thorsten Overgaard
Photographer Thorsten Overgaard tell the story of the ventilated shade and why he designed his own for Leica and other brands to bring back classic style of the Leica Q3, Leica Summicron and more.
"Not feeling inspired?" The Story Behind That Picture by photographer Thorsten Overgaard.
Leica M11 Review
A New York Photo Essay by Thorsten Overgaard.
What is Depth of Focus, and how to work it on the Leica Q3. Click to read.
How to edit photos from the Leica Q3. By Thorsten Overgaard
Leica M11 tips and tricks video by Thorsten Overgaard: "Oh no! My Leica M11 didn't take the photo" (but it did)
The Leica Q3 review by photographer Thorsten Overgaard.
The Full
Street Photography
(The three items illustrated below)
"Street Photography Masterclass" $698.00
"This is Street Photography" $298.00
18 video classes with PDF work book
and illustrated eBook,
Normal price $1,296.00
More info
Normal price $1,296.00
Save 65%
Only $448.00
Buy Now. Instant delivery.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Item #2148-0522
"This is Street Photography" Illustrated eBook
Video Masterclass
(The two items illustrated above)
For Computer, Kindle,
iPad or smartphone.
Code applied: "ILOVESTREET"
Was 498.00
Today only $298.00
Buy now. Instant delivery.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Item #2148-0422
Join the Carmel-by-the-Sea Workshop:
Carmel-by-the-Sea workshop 2023 with Thorsten Overgaard.
Photo Workshop in Copenhagen Denmark. Few spaces. Sign up now.
Setting up the menu on the Leica M11. Click to read more.
Preorder the Magnum strap for your Hasselblad X2D and Leica SL3:
The Magnum camera strap for Hasselblad, Leiac S and Leica SL
Video Classes on Photography by Thorsten Overgaard:
"The Leica Q2 Know-All eBook"
and Leica Q2 Masterclass Video"
New version: "The Leica M9"
video masterclass + Workbook
"The Leica M11 Know-All-eBook" and
"The Art of Loving Leica M11" video class
April 24, 2023:
Leica M11 tips and trick with Thorsten Overgaard: How to remove Focus Peaking. Watch video here .
Carmel-by-the-sea photo workshop with Thorsten Overgaard
Milano photo workshop with Thorsten Overgaard
When is the Leica Q3 comiing? Click to read more.
April 23, 2023:
Amsterdam Photo Workshop with Thorsten Overgaard, May 11-12, 2023
Paris Photo Workshop with Thorsten Overgaard, May 19-21, 2023
April 14, 2023:
March 31, 2023:
video class by Thorsten Overgaard on documentary photography. Buy now. Instant download.
New eBook for preorder: "The Artist's Guide to the Galazy" by Thorsten Overgaard.
Books on Photography by Thorsten Overgaard:
"A Little Book on Photography"
"The Portrait Book - How to Make People Look Beautiful"
"Composition in Photography - The Photographer as Soryteller"
New Release March 11, 2023:
"Photography is simple"
Thorsten Overgaard is one of the best to explain in simple terms how cameras works, and how to get excellent results.
Be competent. Buy and study this easy-to-use video class that explains how to get focus right, what sharpness is, how to get the exposure and the colors right, and more ...
"Easy to apply, photography finally told so everyone can become an expert user"
Normal price $498.00
Explained by Thorsten Overgaard by using Leica Q2, Leica SL2, Leica M11, Leica M10 Monochrom, 35mm film cameras, Leica Digilux 2 and more.
Thorsten Overgaard's
"Camera Excellence Class"
For Computer,
iPad, Apple TV and smartphone.
Normal price $498.00
Only $198.00
Save $300.00
Brand new. Order now. Instant Delivery.
100% satisfaction or money back.
More info
Item #1847-0323
Released April 2023
March 5, 2023:
Video on sharpness and how to best focus a lens. Click to watch.
February 23, 2023:
Leica 21mm Summilux and other Leica 21mm lenses. Video review and article.