"Compact Street" -A simple camera bag for a walking day in style with your camera. Designed by Thorsten von Overgaard.
"The Von Compact Street" Camera Bag
A daybag for a Leica M, Leica Q, dSLR like the Leica SL2, Hasselblad 907X, Hasselbad X1D, Canon R or Nikon Z.
Handmade in Italy by the finest artisans, using the best materials and hundred-year old traditions to produce lasting quality. Designed with Thorsten von Overgaard to meet the needs of a photographer who change gear from day to day and needs a bag that .
Light as a feather, strong as a bull
Unlike most daybags, The "Compact Street" camera bag lets you decide how you want to use the bag. There's no added pockets, departments, zippers or other things to complicate matters. Space separater comes with the bag that you can arrange as needed. It is what it is, a bag to hold the things you may need when you are out and about. Simply designed for flexibility to last a lifetime, handmade by the most experienced Italian artisans.

Less is more. The Von Compact Street is a display of how few things you have to add to a bag for it to be perfect for any way you want to pack it.
I like simple things
Our Italian artisans in Verona, Venica and Milano are part of family workshops which have been doing leather work for generations. |
The simpler it is, the harder it is to make. To obtain the exact design, style and usability I wanted, we had to continue to work on the details. "It's ready when it is right," was the slogan through countless prototypes, drawings and tests of "The Von" bag which was first introduced in 2017, and subsequently tested through my travel to more than 50 countries since.
In most product designs these days, there are a lot of useless things added which complicate, or there are ways of doing things the wrong way for the right reasons. Things are seldom put to test in the real world by the people the product was intended for.
The sole reason I make camera bags, desk blotters, camera straps and other products was always that I wanted something done in a certain way, and it didn't exist. So I had it made for me.
As a general rule, I want simplicity, and it has to have out-of-this-world quality at the same time. And if something is awesome and works, it has to last for a lifetime. That's the simple philosophy. |