Photography eBooks
For Kindle, computer and iPad by Thorsten von Overgaard. Instant delivery via e-mail. |
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Thorsten Overgaard:
"The Art of Loving
Leica Q3"
The Leica Q3 Know-All eBook
Leica Q3.
(484 pages)
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
More info
Only $348.00

Buy now. Instant delivery.
Version 2.0.
Released May 2024.

Thorsten Overgaard:
"Finding the
Magic of Light"
The New 2025-Version
+50% more content
New Edition (129 pages)
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
More info
Only $78

Buy now. Instant delivery.
New Version January 2025 .
Item #1244-0324
Also available in German -->
"I've already read two of your books and it goes without saying that you "walk the talk! I'm very happy that I stumbled upon you and hope some day to attend a live class with you."
J. F. (USA)
"I was able to pick up some significant techniques on lighting."
J. M. (Philippines)
"Love your approach to photography, very refreshing, no B.S."
M. B. (UK)
"A great and creatively inspiring read. Highly recommend it."
L. T. (USA)
More --> |

Thorsten Overgaard:
"A Little Book
on Photography"
New updated Version
(202 pages)
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
More info.
Only $47

Buy now. Instant delivery.
Released September 2020
release March 2017
"I just finished reading your
Little Book on Photography. It was like living a sacred romance with the art.
A very enjoyable read.
Thank you."
"It’s a beautiful book, a poem of truth."
"Encouragement for aspiring photographers interspersed with beautiful images. Probably the most important piece of advice here is to look, observe, find the image before you even look through the lens."
"Pleasant book to read with great photographs and passion. You will take your equipment from the bottom drawer and give new life."

Thorsten Overgaard:
"The Portrait Book"
- How to Make People Look Beautiful
(578 pages)
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
More info
Only $298.00

Buy now. Instant delivery.
Released April 2020
"Love the book. Very insightful and very well done."
"This is the most insightful exploration of portraiture I've ever seen."
"I have up to now bought almost all of Thorsten's books and enjoyed reading them a lot."
"Very impressive book."
"I want to let you know that based on your work and recommendation I bought a Leica M and a Summilux 50/1.4. I enjoy it tremendously."
"I can see all the work and passion poured into this book."

Thorsten Overgaard:
"Composition in Photography"
- The Photographer as Storyteller
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
862 pages. 570 illustrations.
More info
Only $398.00

Buy now. Instant delivery.
Released Feb 4, 2019
"Intense and thought-provoking"
"Your best work so far"
"Even as a professional,
I am learning new things"

"The Digital Photographers
Extension Course"
with Thorsten Overgaard
New edition.
There has been a waiting list for this course for the last two years.
The 2022-version of The Digital Photoraphers Extension Coures is a redesign that allow me to have more students.
This is the right course for anybody to join into, especially if you are about to get a new camera or just got one.
More info.

Only $998
Buy now. Instant Delivery.
Item #2140-0122
Highly recommended:
“I very much enjoy
the incredible knowledge”
V.V. (United Kingdom)
"It's addictive, beautifully and simplistically written. Just amazing. It cleared my concepts."
From V.P., USA.
"My wife gave me this course and I absolutely love it. Now I think more in light and shadows. Used a lot of the techniques on a recent trip and
my photos have improved a lot. Well done, Thorsten!"
S.N. (Mexico)
"Well written, easy to understand."
From K.D., USA |

Thorsten Overgaard:
* Preorder *
"The Leica M11
Know-All eBook"
For computer, smartphone and iPad.
More info.
Only $298.00

and be the first to get it
Item #2151-0222
Also available:
eBook + Video Masteclass +Styles and Presets - 45% off


Thorsten Overgaard:
"The Art of Loving
Leica Q2"
The Leica Q2 Know-All eBook
Leica Q2 & Leica Q2 Monochrom
(448 pages)
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
More info.
Only $298.00

Buy now. Instant delivery.
Released May 2021.
"Pretty informative"
"The favourite camera presented
in an engaging style"

Thorsten Overgaard:
"The Leica Q
Know-All eBook"
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
332 pages
More info.
Only $128.00

Buy now. Instant delivery.
Released April 2018
"Wow! Your philosophilcal article,
"Take a break and learn to see"
hidden in the very last pages of
this excellent book really
inspired me. Thank you!"
"Amazingly detailed book on the
Leica Q which is getting rave reviews
by even the most jaded
photo writers"

Thorsten Overgaard:
"Why do I
(275 pages illustrated).
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
More info
Only $248.00

Buy now. Instant delivery.
Released May 23, 2021
★ |

Thorsten Overgaard:
"The Moment of Emotional Impact
in Photography"
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
48 pages.
More info
Get this
for free
Simply put "50" in the
add promo code field
on checkout and it's yours f
or free. |
Only $38.00

Buy now. Instant delivery.
Released March 2015
"Visually and philosophically beautiful!"
"I think you have observed and found a very unique and exceptional explanation of what makes somebody produce memorable photographs."
"Inspiring book!!!"
"Good advice for photographers
- but also for life in general." |

Thorsten Overgaard:
"The Freedom of
Photographic Expression"
New Edition
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
303 pages.
More info
Only $248.00

Buy now. Instant delivery.
Originally Released October 2016
New Edition Released March 2024
For beginners and experienced. This book covers the technical side of photography from beginners level to semi-pro, as well as philosophy on photographing.
"Really enjoy your writing and teaching"
D. K. (USA)
"I love your insights on photography."
D.B. (USA)
"I've bought the new book - made a start reading it - it is really interesting.
I know it’s basic at the beginning but it isn't written in a patronizing way. I have been taking photographs for many years and have been lucky enough to be paid to take them for the last seven years; but it's always good to be taken back to the start"
P. S. (UK) |
Capture One
Survival Kit 22.3
Extension Course
Released June 2022
For users of any version of
Capture One Pro 22 as well as previous versions
Now with video tutorials.
How to master a profefssional workflow and Capture One Pro.
My accumulated workflow experience, storage and editing in one essential package that also contains Capture One Pro tutorials plus Photoshop and
Media Pro tutorials.
More info.
Buy now. Instant delivery.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Only $798.00

#2131-1222 |

Thorsten Overgaard
Survival Kit 11.3
Extension Course
How to survive and master Lightroom
so you can get your photographs made.
My accumulated experience
on workflow, storage and editing
in one essential package.
New Version June 2022.
Lightroom 2 to Lightroom 11 tutorials
More info.
ONLY $698.00

Buy Now.
Instant delivery.
Start today.
Now includes
4+ hours of
video tutorials.
Buy now. Instant delivery.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Thorsten Overgaard:
"The Photographers Workflow Masterclass"
Only $2,298.00

Order for instant access to the ongoing class. |
Item #2041-0920 |
More info
In production as interactive
video class with select students
every week.
For computer, smartphone and iPad
The Photographers Workflow Video Masterclass is a 5+ hour video series developing with select students, solving the problems of workflow to set up a professional photo archive that is ready for use, and backed up.
The ideal is a quick, uncomplicated workflow that is yours and is independent of software and technology.
#2041-0920 |

Thorsten Overgaard: "Leica M9 Video Masterclass"
The Leica M9 Video Masterclass is two hours of video and an eBook checklist for trying out things for yourself.
For Computer,
iPad, Apple TV and smartphone.
More info
Only $798.00

New version released April 2023.
Item #1847-0318

Thorsten Overgaard Leica M240 Video Masterclass
The Leica M240 Video Masterclass is two hours of video and a 20 page checklist for trying out things for yourself.
Order now. Instant delivery.
For Computer,
iPad, Apple TV and smartphone.
More info

ONLY $398.00
Item #1844-1017


Thorsten Overgaard Leica M10 Video Masterclass
The Leica M10 Video Masterclass is 90 minutes of video and a 27 page checklist for trying out things for yourself.
Buy now. Instant delivery.
For Computer,
iPad, Apple TV and smartphone.
More info

Only $498.00
Item #1801-0917
"I just finished you Leica M10 Masterclass Video and I must say, your focusing section was worth the price of the entire ensemble. I, like so many others, think we must be doing something wrong when our pics are not in focus!"
- T. A. (Zurich) |

Thorsten Overgaard
Leica M11
Video Masterclass
The Leica M11 Video Masterclass is two hours of video and a PDF checklist for trying out things for yourself.
and be the first to get it
For Computer,
iPad, Apple TV and smartphone.
More info

Only $398.00
Item #2152-0222 |

Thorsten Overgaard:
"Camera Excellence Video Class"
Learn photography with Thorsten Overgaard. This video class covers "The 5 most important things in photography", "What is sharpness in photoraphy?", "How to focus and nail the sharpness", "Understanding focal lengths and angel of view in photography", "Controlling colors and tonality", "The exposure triangle", "Megapixel resolution and sensor noise" ... and more.
For Computer,
iPad, Apple TV and smartphone.
More info.
Only $498.00

Order now. Instant Delivery.
100% satisfaction or money back.
Released April 2023
#1847-0323 |

Thorsten Overgaard: "A Fly on the Wall" video class
– The art of documentary photography.
Thorsten Overgaard tell about the art of being a fly on the wall photographing celebrities, presidents and royals. Features President Bill Clinton, The Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Juliette Lewis, John Legend, BECK .. and more.
47 minutes video class.
For Computer,
iPad, Apple TV and smartphone.
More info
Only $198.00

Released April 2023.
Item #2140-0423

New Preorder:
Leica Q3
Masterclass on Video
12 Video Masterclass Episodes
by Thorsten Overgaard
with workbook and assignments.
For Computer,
iPad, Apple TV and smartphone.
More info
Preorder now. Be the first to get it

Item #2191-0623
Available as BUNDLE here

Leica Q2
Masterclass on Video
14 Video Masterclass Episodes
by Thorsten Overgaard.
For computer, smartphone and iPad.
More info.
Includes Free presets/styles
(value $118.00)
Order Now. Instant Delivery.

Item #1914-0319
Released August 23, 2019.
Available as BUNDLE here |
"Leica Q Video Masterclass"
2 hours of video and 20 pages of checklist for things to try out.
Order now. Instant delivery.
Only $248.00

More info
Item 1571-1216
Available as BUNDLE here |

Preorder the new masterclass on video:
"Mastering the Noctilux"
by Thorsten Overgaard
Order now. Be the first to get it.

This video class will make you love the Noctilux even more, and will make you appreciate the challenge of using it - and impress yourself and others with the photographs you can make with it.
- Focusing school.
Chasing bicycles.
- EVF or Rangefinder?
- Getting the Noctilux Exposure right.
- Making dreams come thorugh.
- Noctilux portaits.
- Improving
depth of field (of any lens).
- Noctilux cityscapes and landscapes.
- The history of Noctilux editions.
- The secrets of the Noctilux.
- and more...
#2091-0221 |

"How to do Leica M
Street Photography"
Thorsten Overgaard
Video Masterclass
18 videos
and PDF sheet with assignments. Easy to do, logical to follow. and get great results.
More info

Buy Now. Instant Delivery.
100% Satisfaction or Money Back.
Released September 20, 2019.
Item #1848-0318
Thorsten Overgaard uses Leica M10
and Leica M9 in this class.
"I was shy to take people photo on the street until I watched the Masterclass on Street Photography. I walked along yesterday morning and saw many beautiful people with their daily life - very interesting.
Thank you!"
P. B. (Los Angeles)

Thorsten Overgaard:
"This is street Photography"
Video Masterclass
and illustrated eBook
with Thorsten Overgaard
Work with your passion for photography on the street, with Thorsten Overgard. Easy to do, logical to follow.
More info
Buy now
ONLY $298.00

Buy Now. Instant Delivery.
100% Satisfaction or Money Back.
Released April 2022
ITEM #2148-0422
Thorsten Overgaard uses
Leica M10, Leica M11, Leica SL2
and Leica M9 in this class.
"I have enjoyed your masterclasses and my street photography has improved. Thank you very much".
C. M. (Hong Kong)
"Since I discovered your pictures and the masterclass, my joy of photgraphing has been growing. I like my own pictures more because I now have a decisive focus on what I photograph".
A. S. (Copenhagen) |

"Editing Color Photographs in Photoshow RAW"
Masterclass video by Thorsten Overgaard
From raw file to final
photo in Photoshop
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100% Satisfaction or Money Back.
Thorsten Overgaard tell the stories of some of his famous photos he
took through his travels around the world, how and why he made them, while showing the editing process step-by-step in Photoshop using Adobe RAW.
Released June 2022
Item #2018-1021

Bundle of Video Masterclass & eBook:
Leica Q Video Course - $248.00 (right)
The know-all eBook on the Leica Q - $128.00 (left)
+ Leica Q Presets for Lightroom - $47.00.
Buy Now as bundle.
For computer, iPad, smartphone and Kindle.
You save
30% - $125.00.
Only $298.00

This is the complete bundle:
Leica Q Video Course,
the Leica Q Masterclass eBook
and Lightroom Presets for Leica Q. |
Save 45% on Leica Q2 Full Pack:
14 video classes with work book + 448 page Leica Q2 eBook,
Q2 Styles for CaptureOne + Q2 Lightroom Presets.

Full Leica Q2 Pack
Normal price $821.00
Save 45%
Only $448.00

Buy now. Instant delivery via email
100% satisfaction or money back.
14 video classes with work book
448 page eBook
Q2 Styles for CaptureOne
Q2 Lightroom Presets.
Item #1914-0521 |

Thorsten Overgaard
Leica TL2 Quick Intro
Video Class
The Leica TL2 Video Quick-Start Course is video chapters and a eBook checklist.
It's sort of a one-on- one to get you on top of the learning courve right now, so you know all the right settings and how to do all the things right from day one.
Buy now. Instant delivery.
For computer, smartphone and iPad
More info

$ 179.00
Item #1792-0817
Everything about the camera and
how to use it in the world outside. |

"The Digital Photographers
Extension Course"
with Thorsten Overgaard
New edition.
There has been a waiting list for this course for the last two years.
The 2022-version of The Digital Photoraphers Extension Coures is a redesign that allow me to have more students.
This is the right course for anybody to join into, especially if you are about to get a new camera or just got one.
More info.

Only $998
Buy now. Instant Delivery.
Item #2140-0122
Highly recommended:
“I very much enjoy
the incredible knowledge”
V.V. (United Kingdom)
"It's addictive, beautifully and simplistically written. Just amazing. It cleared my concepts."
From V.P., USA.
"My wife gave me this course and I absolutely love it. Now I think more in light and shadows. Used a lot of the techniques on a recent trip and
my photos have improved a lot. Well done, Thorsten!"
S.N. (Mexico)
"Well written, easy to understand."
From K.D., USA |

"The New Inspiration Photography Extension Course"
with Thorsten Overgaard
This extension course focuses on inspiration, light and getting into producting photographs. How to curate yourself, building a portfolio and sharing your photographs.
How to strengthen your natural talents and overall become a more confident photographer.
More info.

Only $798
Buy now. Instant Delivery.
"I purchased this in January.
It is exactly what it says on the thing ... It is pretty damn inspirational!
I love your straightforward, simple, to-the-point style and your way of breaking down relatively complex concepts and information into understandable and bite-sized chunks.
As an engineer by training, I can cope with the technical but I always really enjoy it when someone, such as yourself, has the knack to take technical information and make it relatable and easily understandable. Like common sense, that is a trait that is not very common."
B. J. (Dubai)

Thorsten Overgaard:
"After the Tsunami" eBook
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
(204 pages)
Only $ 78

Buy now. Instant delivery.
"It's pure art!"
"It SMOKES. Very well designed."
"I just came back from the Frankfurt book fair and found your beautiful book in the middle of my desk. You did an
INCREDIBLE JOB. It's far about what I thought it was going to be. It really impinges and the pictures are TOP."
"Great lay-out, good copy and nice visuals"
"The photos are awesome"
"This is incredible!"
"Fantastic work"
"Really exellent photography"

Thorsten Overgaard:
"The Salzburg Collection" eBook
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
(120 pages)
Only $47

Buy now. Instant delivery.
More info
Item #1220

Thorsten Overgaard:
New Preorder:
"The Artist's Guide
to the Galaxy"
– How to make it as an artist
eBook for iPad, Kindle and computer.
More info
Only $398.00

Preorder now. Be the first in the Galaxy to read it!
Releases 2023
"This is the book for you who believe it should be possible to make a living of your art."
Mary Street Alinder:
Ansel Adams - A Biography
Mary Street Alinder was assistant to Ansel Adams and knew him throuhg most of his life. This book makes you understand how Ansel got into photography, the landscapes and how (and why) he worked.
$12.50 Kindle eBook from Amazon
$20 Paperback book from Amazon |
Henri Cartier-Bresson:
The Mind's Eye
A book of essays written by HCB that I find very inspiring to understand his philosophy on photography, "the decisive moment" and his view on Color photography, composition, photographers and more. A simple small book for travel and the cafe having a coffee.
$17 from Amazon
Ron the Photographer
- Writing With Light
A very inspiring book about the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard and his extensive collection of cameras.
He spent quite a lot of time photographing and testing film, lenses and cameras. Everything from Minox to Linhof to Leica.
This is the sotry of thos, with essays on color photography, large format self portraits, stereo photography with the Leica, and more. Hardcover, 284 pages
$50 includeing shipping
from the publisher. |
Magnum Contact Sheets
by Kristen Lubben
A remarkable selection of contact sheets, revealing how the most celebrated Magnum photographers capture and edited their very best shots.
$55 from Amazon |