On The Road with Thorsten Overgaard · January 2015
By: Thorsten Overgaard
This is the ongoing journal of my travels, photography, experience with people, places and equipment.
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"Brilliant and helpful article, Negative or haters who hold you back!!
Also enjoyed and found very useful your writing on how you use your Leica m240. It is my very first Leica and I enjoy it as I learn everyday while constantly training my eye! Thanks again for your inspiration Thorsten."
- V. K. (USA) |
Santa Fe
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, January 1 - 5, 2015
The first time for me in Santa Fe. I try to explore some new places every year, and this year Santa Fe will be one of them.
I can't recall to have seen any other place on Earth where the buildings and natiure align so much. We joked that the local paint store only have to have one color in stock, but it really looks great.

The Santa Fe colors. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Santa Fe has low light all day which makes for some interesting shadows. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Inside the Swiss Cafe in Santa Fe, Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.
"I have been following your blog and news quite religiously these days, and consider it a very valuable resource.
I am very interested in meeting you to say the least and learn lots of things from you."
- W. B. (USA) |

Sarah Satow from Alaska in Santa Fe. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Robin talking about life and cameras with Linford Toy. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Santa Fe. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.
Buy the new eBook
"A Little Book on Photography"
by Thorsten von Overgaard |

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It's a humorous understatement to call this
new eBook by Thorsten Overgaard for
"A Little Book on Photography".
It's a grand book, a history lesson, life experience, a biography and poetry book and brilliant photo book!
All in one beautiful package of 180 pages
to fire you up and get you to love
photography ... unconditionally!
"A Little Book on Photography"
eBook for computer, Kindle and iPad.
New release March 2017.
Intro price only $47 - 180 pages.
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"Hi Thorsten,
i bought and read your book Finding the Magic of Light, and since then I think I look photography with other eyes, it's a very inspirational book and a very good one. Now it's time to practice!"
- J. U. (Sydney) |

Walking by the lake in Santa Fe. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Robin having a chat with James Nabwangu. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Robin and Sarah Satow, and the waiter in Hotel Santa Fe looking at pictrures on the iPhone while inside for a moment to grab some heat from the fireplace. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Peace and harmony in the lounge of Hotel Santa Fe. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Linford Toy. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.
"I want to thank you for all you have given online. I've learned so much from your pages – how can one thank you for such a wonderful gift that you have given the world!"
- K. D. (Texas) |
Meeting Eric Pino
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, January 3, 2015
We stumbled into a local street photographer, Eric who was out and about photographing with digital and film cameras. I posed for a portrait photo which he sent a couple of days later.

Thorsten Overgaard by Eric Pino. Pentax 67, 105mm on expired Ilford HP5+

Eric Pino and Thorsten Overgaard.
"I stop by your website and really enjoy learning your experience and sharing on Leica M9 system.
It is probably one of the most informative sites which provides many useful information for many users.
I have gained a lot from it and I like your shooting method."
- D. Y. (Singapore) |
I SHOT IT Black & White Photo Compeition Winner Announced
San Francisco, USA, January 5, 2015
The winners of the I-SHOT-IT.COM Black & WHite Photo Compeition was announced. Judged by Birgit Krippner and Thorsten Overgaard. Congratulations. See the winners here.

"As a new Leica M and Noctilux-owner, I love reading your newsletter and hope to take part on one of your workshops."
- D. L. (Germany) |
Visiting Austin for the first time
Austin, Texas, USA, January 6 - 11, 2015
I've heard so much about Austin and want ed to go. I'll do a workshop here some time in the future.

Terry, Joy and Robin out and about in the Lone Star State. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.
We arrived in Austin, Texas while it was still daylight where we have rented a great house with a Japanese garden. We had been recommended the 24 hour diner Magnolia as a great place to have food, so we headed there.

The Magnolia diner in 24 hours. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

A tired Robin drawing in the Magnolia Cafe in Austin, Texas. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.
"Thanks for your illuminating page!"
- C. F. (california) |

"Lost in the Diner". The Magnolia Cafe in Austrin.
Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Austin, Texas. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Robin admiring the painting of the ghost girl in the most haunted hotel in USA, The Driskill. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm APO-Summicron-M ASPH f/2.0.

A typical Austin home. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.
Buy my "New Inspiration Extension Course"

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Read this article. |
Get inspired and rebooted!
This extension course if made for you! It can be done at home and travel at your own pace. I have taught workshops for years and the Overgaard New Inspiration Extension Course is my experience compressed to a package of training, articles, drills, assignments and video tutorials that will inspire you and take your photography to the next level! For a limited time my course includes something you cannot get anywhere or anytime else:
A portfolio-review by Thorsten Overgaard.
"The Overgaard
New Inspiration
Extension Course"
For computer and iPad. 181 p eBook. |
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Grafitti artist in Austin after
a days work. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

The haunted hotel in Austin, The Driskill. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Robin and Alan in Austin. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Lost in the Diner. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm APO-Summicron-M ASPH f/2.0.
"I'm very intrigued by your extension course. I'm working on my photography skills and I like the idea of taking a course from someone with a very well-proven track record."
- A. M. (USA) |
New York
Brooklyn, New York, USA, January 11-15, 2015
Brooklyn and Manhatten.

This time we stay in Brooklyn and this is how it looks outside. Leica M 240 with Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilux-M ASPH f/0.95.

Thankfully I didn't park my car here. The temperature in New York hits minus this week.
Queens, New York
Queens, New York, USA, January 16, 2015
I'll be visiting Queens.

Inside Zero Otto Nove Italian restaurant on Arthur Avenue, Queens.
"Your site contains some of the most stunningly composed and exposed images I have seen."
- J. A. (UK) |

Balcony in Queens.
"I’m one of many silent admirers of your work."
- T. F. (USA) |

Visiting a Dominican barber shop in the Italian Neighbourhood in Queens.

This young fellow doesn't know he has eyes like John Travolta. Maybe one day some girl witll tell him.
"I would like to commend you on your amazing website.
I first visited it when I purchased a Leica X1 and was looking for inspiration. You website proved invaluable. Eventhough you focus on the M9 I found that many of your advice really helped me to use the X1 to its' fullest capacity.
In the process I fell in love with the M9. "
- R. E. (Atlanta) |
Florida, January 17 - March 16, 2015
I'll be in Florida for writing holiday and hanging out with the kids.

Robin with the other kids in the diner downstairs.
"I'm a big fan of your work, and have only heard great things about your seminar."
- C. P. (Pennsylvania) |

My beautiful daughter Caroline. Leica M 240 with Leica 50mm Noctilu-M ASPH f/0.95